Tinnitus is far more common than you might think. Research shows that around 15% of the population suffers from it, with around 7.6 million sufferers from the UK alone! In this blog, we’ll explore what Tinnitus is and the importance of hearing protection to prevent hearing damage and the onset of the condition.
Misinformation and misconceptions about Tinnitus and hearing protection are plentiful, so Tinnitus Awareness Week is a great time to take steps towards future prevention or, if you’re a sufferer already, understand the resources available to you to help ease this condition.
Myth Bust Fact 1: Tinnitus is a disease.
Tinnitus is a condition or symptom that causes a constant ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears. While Tinnitus itself isn’t a disease, it’s often a symptom of an underlying issue. In many cases, it is linked to hearing damage caused by noise exposure. And it’s irreversible once you develop it.
The severity and volume of this sound can range from mild to debilitating for sufferers. Some people hear the noise as a ringing noise; others describe it as buzzing, whistling or hissing. It can be present all the time, or it can come and go. And it can also vary between one episode and the next.
While hearing loss and Tinnitus often occur together, Tinnitus is not a cause of hearing loss. Instead, it can be an early indicator of damage to the auditory system in a person with a history of loud noise exposure and can often accompany other ear conditions.
Myth Bust Fact 2: Tinnitus is curable.
While there is no ‘magic’ cure, there are steps sufferers can take to ease discomfort.
Whether your Tinnitus is mild, moderate or severe, a hearing healthcare professional should be able to offer solutions and treatments to help ease the symptoms and make your condition more manageable.
For some, the effect of Tinnitus is bothersome, but to others, it can be very distressing. Managing your stress and overall health is important. Other management solutions can include meditation and talking therapies if further support is required. Sometimes medication, diet and exercise can also be used to help manage tinnitus.
Sound masking and using background sounds such as white noise or music is another popular solution for dealing with it. High- fidelity ear plugs such as our Auritech Universal Fit ear plugs can also be used in conjunction with sound to enjoy activities like music or riding a motorcycle, without muffling and importantly protecting against any further damage.
For severe tinnitus, seeing a specialist hearing care professional for advice on hearing aids and sound masking is essential.
Myth Bust Fact 3: You can’t prevent Tinnitus.
While there is no definitive cure, one of the best ways to prevent Tinnitus from occurring or worsening is through proper hearing protection. Whether you're exposed to loud environments daily or occasionally, protecting your hearing is crucial to maintaining long-term ear health.
- Earplugs: These are small, portable, and easy to use. Auritech offer specialist hearing protection for motorcyclists, shooting, music, watersports, sleeping, travel and work.
- Custom-fitted earplugs: If you're frequently exposed to loud noise, investing in custom earplugs can offer more comfort and better protection, such as our Auritech Custom Fit range.
If you’re in a noisy environment, it’s important to take regular breaks. Give your ears a chance to rest by stepping away from loud sounds for a few minutes while at loud events or concerts.
Another tip for preventing hearing damage is to keep headphone and earbud volumes at a safe level. As a rule, if you can’t hear someone speaking to you when you’re wearing headphones, the volume is too high.
For anyone who is regularly exposed to loud sounds, preventing Tinnitus should be a top priority. By investing in proper hearing protection, monitoring your exposure to noise, and adopting healthy listening habits, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing Tinnitus and preserve your hearing for years to come.
At Auritech, we are here to support you and protect your hearing.